Streaming video for S&W, cold ride to Austin, Shadow inspection, Hard Rock

Friday was a slow day at work. Most everyone in the office took the day off. I worked on a branded streaming video interface. I did a lot of clock watching – waiting for 5pm to roll around so I could head to Austin.

5 o’clock came and I was off. I rushed home and packed some socks and underwear, strapped on the leathers, filled the Shadow with gas and headed south.

The temperature was in the mid 40’s. I was tired and cold. My forearm muscles kept getting sore. I actually had to stop in Round Rock to stretch.

El got home from work right as I was arriving. We talked and hung out for about an hour. We got hungry so we decided to go to Taco Bell and Blockbuster to rent a movie. We rented Training Day. Pretty good movie.

Elise had to work at 6am on Saturday. I got up around 8. I went to Wood’s Fun Center to get my bike inspected. That was a riot. I forgot that my proof of insurance card had expired. I had to sit on hold with Progressive for about 30 minutes to finally talk to someone. I asked them to fax my proof of insurance to the mechanic. First try failed. I had to call again and wait on hold. Finally it went through.

I came back to the apartment, played with Riley and watched a little TV. El came home around 2 – we took a nap. Then we went to the new Hard Rock Cafe on 6th. Nothing special about it – if you’ve been to one HRC, you’ve been to them all.

We decided to go out for an after dinner drink. We went to Pete’s Piano Bar. We wound up staying too long. The piano men laughed at me because I wanted them to play some Alice Cooper. Oh well, that’s why they’re downtown piano men – playing their Billy Joel and Elton John.

We came home and went straight to bed. It was late.

El is off today (Sunday), Monday and Tuesday. She’s coming up to Temple with me. She just got back from church. Now we have to load up her truck. I figured out how to take apart my desk – so we’ll be taking that with us. Now I don’t have to sit on the floor to play on the computer anymore!

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