New kind of job

One would think that being unemployed would lend ample time to keep the website updated. Truth is: there is plenty of time but not a lot to document.

Since becoming officially unemployed I have been doing a new kind of work. I get up, shower, shave get dressed and go to the office. I spend 3-4 hours in the morning sending out coverletters and resumes and researching companies. At noon Elise makes sandwiches for lunch and we eat out on the deck and play with Maly. I go back to work until 5:30 or 6.

The family refers to my job searching effort as working, which it is. My current job is not a job I’d wish upon many.

Six weeks of dedicated and diligent job searching have rendered three interviews so far.

Things are looking a little bit better and I’m getting more bites as time progresses and I employ new job searching strategies.

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