My friend, Piggy D., who I’ve known for 20 years (damn we’re getting old) is leaving with Wednesday 13 for a UK tour. I wish I could go… maybe to play the part of bad guitar tech…

Piggy recently left AMEN and joined Wednesday 13, a band that I personally like a lot more and I wish him all the best.
Wednesday 13‘s new album hits the shelves on Wednesday the 13th of April. Hmmmm…
Watch Wednesday 13’s video “I Walked With A Zombie”.
Have I ever met Piggy, or was that before your Bellville days?
Perhaps. Matt and I grew up together in Houston with horror movies, Fangoria, Metal Edge, pizza, sushi, Blow Hard guitars, the Miami Vice soundtrack, gummi candies and jaw breakers. I brought him to a few cheesy junior high birthday party dances.
hey, I found this site while I was searching for some information about wednesday 13 and “Piggy”and stuff, and I really like the videoclip “I walked with a zombie” and I met Piggy at a concert =D