If you haven’t already and find yourself with the opportunity to install hardwood flooring in your home, here is some advice I’d like to offer as an experienced hardwood flooring installer. First, drive to the nearest Ferrari dealership. Purchase the car that you like best and the car that the salesperson is pushing you to buy.
Next, drive to the nearest proctologist. Have him/her give you a once-over with a fist full of razor wire and some Tobasco sauce.
What I thought was going to be a quick Saturday afternoon adventure in installing hardwood in the guest bedroom turned out to be an all weekend event – with a $650 price tag to boot. And to add insult to injury, the flooring that I bought doesn’t match the existing hardwood in the rest. It took me a few rows before I realized that the color or style didn’t completely match. The floor is from the same company that manufactured the existing floor – same color too – gunstock. But it’s different. I don’t understand. I’m chalking it up to experience.
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